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7:21 a.m. - 2012-05-01
Eleanor Roosevelt tells her story from documented sources

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�How Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) Became First Lady of the World,� by Betty and Franklin Parker, [email protected] Dialogue Given 14 April 2012, Cumberland Mountain Park, Crossville, TN, to the Eleanor Roosevelt Society Fund Raiser.

Frank: Greetings to Eleanor Roosevelt Society members and guests. I am Franklin Parker, Introducer and Questioner for this 25 minute dialogue on �How Eleanor Roosevelt Became First Lady of the World.�

Betty: And I am Betty Parker wearing my Eleanor Roosevelt dress and hat, telling you from best sources intimate facts on how a nervous, shy, troubled rich girl, orphaned at age 10, became to many historians the greatest American woman of the twentieth century.

Frank: Eleanor raised 5 children (she had 6 pregnancies in 10 years; one baby boy died), 1 daughter, 4 sons, while encouraging FDR�s presidential ambitions. She helped him advance from two-term New York State Senator (1910-13), to Assistant Secretary U.S. Navy (1913-20, including WW I), to a failed run as Democratic Vice President (1920). She saw him stricken with polio (August 1921), nursed him, defied his possessive mother, Sara Roosevelt�s pressure for FDR to retire as invalid manager of her Hyde Park estate.

B as Eleanor: During the 7 years he struggled unsuccessfully to walk (1921-28), FDR�s political advisor Louie Howe (1871-1936), Albany, NY, newsman remade me into FDR�s surrogate, taught me to speak, write, to keep FDR�s name alive, helped make me a leader among Democratic women just as women were given the right to vote (1920). Louie Howe influenced me toward making women politically influential.

Frank: NYC�s Catholic politician Al Smith (1873-1944) played a key role in crippled-wheel-chair-bound FDR's return to the political arena. In 1924, then NY State Governor Al Smith, anxious to be nominated the Democratic presidential candidate, wanted respected Protestant FDR to nominate him.

B as Eleanor: FDR advisor Louie Howe seized the moment, had FDR carried unseen into NYC's mammoth Madison Square Garden. With limp legs steel-braced and leather-strapped, using a cane, gripping son James�s arm, FDR shuffled forward to grip the sturdy lectern.

Frank: Flashing his broad smile, FDR gave a rip-roaring nomination speech, radio broadcasted nationally, ending with a ringing: �And so I give you the next President of the United States, Alfred E. Smith, the Happy Political Warrior.� Result: while Al Smith lost the 1924 presidential nomination, FDR won national attention. FDR, not Al Smith, was seen as the Happy Warrior, a polio victim, seemingly standing tall, confident, vibrant, back into the political arena.

B as Eleanor: Four years later, 1928, Al Smith, was the Democratic presidential nominee, facing Herbert Hoover, confident that if FDR run for NY State Governor and won it would help his, Al Smith's, presidential run. Al Smith by phone pressed hesitant, still recovering FDR at Warm Springs, GA, to run.

Frank: Advisor Louie Howe warned FDR that 1928 would be a Republican win year but that if FDR insisted on running, he (Louie Howe), would pull every political trick to get FDR elected NY State Governor. Result: Al Smith lost to Herbert Hoover. But thanks to Louie Howe�s maneuvering FDR won as 2-term NY State Governor (1929-32).

B as Eleanor: As NY State Governor during the first three years of the Great Depression, 1930-32, when joblessness reached 25%, FDR�s NY State-funded, job-creating, building bonanza of roads, canals, dams, bridges, cheap public electricity, reforestation made him the leading national anti-Depression politician. I became his eyes-and-feet- investigator, telling him things he needed to know Thus did Louie Howe, with my help, positioned FDR for the White House. FDR�s later presidential New Deal programs and fireside chats came from his NY State experience.

Frank: Time now for Eleanor to tell how she rose from a troubled ugly ducking orphan rich girl to the greatest First Lady in U.S. history

B as Eleanor: My beautiful MaMa married dashing Elliott Roosevelt (1860-94), Uncle Teddy Roosevelt�s younger brother. MaMa, ashamed of my plain looks, protruding front teeth, receding chin, publicly called me �Granny.� I felt ugly, afraid, unloved. Something was wrong with PaPa, often absent, who, when home, hugged and loved me. I adored him.

Frank: What did you think when you pieced together family whispers?

B as Eleanor: MaMa�a coldness to me, her early death at age 29, when I was 8, I saw as aggravated by PaPa�s drinking, drug use, extra-marital affairs. �PaPa�s �nervous condition,� I later realized, probably undiagnosed-untreated epilepsy, he relieved with excessive drink and drugs.

Frank: How did your troubled parents affect your later life?

B as Eleanor: MaMa was pleased when I rubbed her migraine-pained forehead. I learned that if I wanted to be loved, I had to be useful. �From PaPa�s unfulfilled promises I learned to expect disappointments. I saw their lives as cries for help. Their suffering made me want to be useful, to help others in need.

Frank: Orphaned at 10, you lived with stern GrandMaMa Hall�s (1863-92) troubled family.

B as Eleanor: My Aunty Bye Roosevelt saved me, had me sent to England to Mlle. Marie Souvestre�s (1830-1905) Allenswood school. Those happy 3 years changed my life.

Frank: What did you learn at Allenswood? What was special about headmistress Mlle. Souvestre?

B as Eleanor: Only French was spoken. My French nurse had taught me to speak and think in French. I fitted in. Mlle. Souvestre awakened in me the need for social service. She took me on trips to see the poorer places and people in France, Switzerland, Italy; let me travel unchaperoned to historic places, gave me confidence. I kept her picture on my dressing table all my life.

Frank: Back in NYC. Tell of your social work, courtship, marriage.

B as Eleanor: I felt useful teaching disadvantaged girls at NYC's East Side Rivington Street slum settlement house. Riding the train up the Hudson Valley FDR and I accidentally met, renewed our childhood acquaintance. FDR invited me to Hyde Park, to Campobello, where I visited with my maid as chaperone. I knew he was popular, flirtatious, wondered how I could keep him should he propose.

Frank: FDR found in you his ideal mate, serious, concerned, unlike his other frivolous girl friends. Being President Teddy Roosevelt�s niece helped enormously--far better than a dowery. FDR proposed, you accepted. How did you get along with possessive mother-in-law MaMa Sara Roosevelt?

B as Eleanor: She dominated our early married life; found, rented, then bought and staffed our first NYC homes. Our children, when I corrected them, ran to Grand MaMa, who gave in to their every whim. I was stifled, lost my self confidence, often cried in frustration.

Frank: How did you regain your confidence?

B as Eleanor: Ever-perceptive advisor Louie Howe showed me how to help FDR�s career, how to increase women�s political awareness. From 1920 onward I followed his suggestions, sat at his feet, learned from him how to speak, write, and serve.

Frank: What women�s organizations did you join, become a leader in, which helped make you a liberal political activist?

B as Eleanor: League of Women Voters, Women�s Division of the NY State Democratic Committee, Consumers League, Women�s International League for Peace and Freedom, so many others.

Frank: By chairing the National Democratic Women�s Platform Committee (1924), you advanced women�s political influence nationally. After FDR�s November 1932 Presidential election what role did you see for yourself as First Lady?

B as Eleanor: I was 49, determined to continue active public service, to advance goals Franklin and I shared. � He needed me to be his legs, eyes, ears. I was always on the go, telling him things he needed to know.

Frank: Biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin listed your many firsts as First Lady: first to hold regular women's only White House press conferences, first to write a U.S.-wide syndicated �My Day� newspaper column, first to give sponsored radio broadcasts, first on a national lecture circuit, first to testify before U.S. congressional committees on needed reforms, first to urge FDR to create the National Youth Administration (NYA) G.I. Bill, United Nations. Why?; please comment, why?.

B as Eleanor: I started press conferences for women reporters because I wanted more women reporters hired, equally paid and respected with men. Associated Press reporter Lorena Hickok (1893-1968) gave me the idea and became my intimate friend. Louie Howe helped me plan the news conference.

Frank: You helped put many qualified women into top positions, including Frances Perkins (1882-1965), the first woman cabinet officer in U.S. history. Perkins created the 1935 Social Security Act.

B as Eleanor: Frances Perkins was FDR�s chief cabinet ally throughout his 12 year presidency.

Frank: Why did you initiate the 1935 National Youth Administration (NYA)?

B as Eleanor: I wanted work-study funds for 18 to 25 year olds. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) took care of many 25-plus year old jobless. But poorer high school and college students dropped out during the Depression. I wanted them funded with part time jobs to keep them in school. They were America's hope for a a better future.

Frank: You urged African American rights, hosted White House African American leaders, urged anti-lynching legislation which congressional committees chaired by Southerners always blocked.

B as Eleanor: When African American singer Marian Anderson (1902-93) was denied to sing at the Daughters of the American Revolution�s Constitution Hall. I publicly resigned my DAR membership. I helped her to sing instead on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Frank: You started the Homesteads movement, first in Arthurdale, W.VA.; the second here in Crossville, TN, and visited both. �What disappointed you most as First Lady?

B as Eleanor: I was disappointed that Social Security omitted self employed farm workers and others not on a payroll; disappointed that universal health care failed to be passed; disappointed that the State Department blocked admission of Jewish refugees, especially children; disappointed over hysteria-induced internment of innocent Japanese Americans.

Frank: Characterize your relationship with FDR.

B as Eleanor: I was the irritating liberal spur under his political saddle. I pushed him to advance human rights. I was the liberal conscience he needed, to fuel his political power to do good.

Frank: After FDR�s April 12, 1945, death, you thought your political life was over. Why did Pres. Harry S Truman ask you to be a U.S. delegate to the United Nations?

B as Eleanor: He wanted me at the U.N. to help fulfill FDR�s dream for a peaceful world. I felt inadequate but urged by my family, I reluctantly accepted.

Frank: Powerful, influential men in the U.N., fearing your activism might upstage them, put you on a U.N. Refugee Committee, thinking you would cause the least trouble there.

B as Eleanor: How wrong they were. Homeless, stateless WW II refugees, fearing persecution if returned to their former homelands, became a major U.N. and world problem. Our U.N. Refugee Committee became the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. Pushed into the chairmanship, I saw the enormity of the refugee problem, saw ahead that new independent nations would arise from former European colonies in Africa, Asia, elsewhere. We needed specific human rights recorded for our time, a new Magna Carta that would embrace everyone everywhere, especially the have-not people of the world.

Frank: What were your greatest challenges?

B as Eleanor: Our 18 member U.N. committee came from countries with different languages, histories, traditions, values; different socio-economic political structures. We argued, disputed endlessly. Consensus required patience, tact, sometimes blunt talk. It was the height of US-USSR Cold War time. Powerful Russian leader Andrey Vyshinsky (1883-1954) shouted at me relentlessly: The State must set human rights. I calmly answered: Human rights unencumbered by political ideology must be universal, worldwide,.

Frank: When did the Commission finish its draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

B as Eleanor: In the Fall of 1947 I pressed for day and evening meetings to finish the draft Declaration before Christmas 1947. The UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 unanimously, without dissention. Andrey Vyshinsky shook my hand, embraced me.

Frank: Eleanor, How to you want to be remembered?

B as Eleanor: I want it to be remembered above all for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Frank: Eleanor, give us some parting words.

B as Eleanor: FDR expected me to goad him, kept a basket beside his bed for my notes, wanted me to be the conscience that fueled his political power to do good. �Family connections, 5 children, 31 grandchildren, 40 years of marriage tied us together. �[I pauses. Wipe away a tear]. He cheated on me you know. An extra-marital affair. With my social secretary. Lucy Mercer (1891-1948), later married rich older socialite widower Rutherford. Happened in our Washington, DC, home and elsewhere. 1916 or so. I discovered her love letters to FDR (1918). I offered divorce. MaMa Sara Roosevelt said she'd disown him if he shamed the family with divorce. We accepted intermediary Louie Howe's remedy: apology, fortiveness, no further FDR-Lucy contact (which FDR broke), continued ER-FDR separate bedroom nonconjugal marriage as political partnership. �From the 1920s onward our doubled lives included his political friends and adoring women; my liberal women friends. �There were memorable public and private times together. When our 3rd-born died in infancy, when my only surviving brother died, FDR hugged me. Deep down we needed and loved each other.

Frank: Eleanor, rest well next to FDR. �We thank you for being here, thank Amy for inviting us, thank Jean Clark for her Chronicle article which got us here. All honor to the Eleanor Roosevelt Society. End.

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